Joy: ‘I have set up [my kitchen] as a workstation during lockdown to save me from going bonkers! I find creating things to be very therapeutic during (especially) times of stress. It has stopped me from feeling totally isolated – which I have been during this period.’


‘I have been shielding for quite some time now. I enjoyed my balcony…seeing the snow which is unusual in central London.’ January 2021

Joy recently turned 70. In 1995, she moved with her then seven years old daughter into a two bedroom, subsidised flat managed by the Soho Housing Association. In February 2020 she suffered from pneumonia and never properly recovered – she suspects that she has ‘long COVID’. Throughout the various lockdowns she has been shielding; neighbours helped her with shopping for food and provided her with her medicines. In her hallway she created a ‘designated quarantine space’ for all her deliveries, and she ‘would not touch anything until it gone through 5 days quarantine period.’ She felt quite isolated and has savoured ‘facetime with family and friends. Meeting up for virtual lunches and coffee breaks. Taking virtual walks together, and sharing the physical reality of lockdown where you are.’ Creating things on her sewing machine and enjoying the plants and birds on her balcony have also been indispensable for her mental health and wellbeing.
