Eszter: ‘During the Lockdown the residents pulled together like never before.‘


‘I always felt at home and loved this flat… now I know what a real community is and how much people can achieve working together’. December 2020 

Eszter is a Hungarian teacher in her forties who has lived in a 10th floor 2-bedroom flat in EC1 for 17 years. She is married to one of the caretakers of the block, and they have two teenage daughters. She is worried about the council imposing plans to build more homes on the site – ‘why here?’ – while worsening health and ongoing safety issues are not being addressed. Many residents are struggling with addiction problems and some are succumbing to illnesses, and ‘we feel that the delay of the publication of our fire safety report is deliberate (3 years!)’ The pandemic has been a life changing, positive moment for her because ‘we came together to support each other, the vulnerable, share ideas, jokes and swap “unwanted” items. This for me changed my outlook of this building and area forever.’ 

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